To convert a fraction (or mixed number) to percentage, enter whole number, numerator, and the denominator in the given fields & tap 'Calculate'.
This fraction to percent calculator performs necessary arithmetic operations to convert any fraction (proper, improper, or mixed number) to its equivalent percentage notation.
Percent = p/q * 100
Suppose we have the fraction as 4/5.
Percent = p/q * 100
Percent = 4/5 * 100
Percent = 0.8 * 100
Percent = 80
Now here, many students might make mistakes during conversions like errors in decimal notations, etc. This is why our fraction to percent calculator will make every conversion accurate, fast, and detailed. This helps everyone to understand the solution better.
There are a couple of other ways by which you can convert fraction to percentages. These include:
Convert 3/6 to its percent notation.
3/6 = 0.5
Percent = 0.5 (Shift decimal 2 places right) => 50%
The given fraction is “2/20”
If we multiply 20 by 5, we get 100. So multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 5.
2/20 = 2*5/20*5
= 10/100
= 10% (As 1/100 represents percentage)
Fraction | Percent |
1/2 | 50 % |
1/3 | 33.33 % |
2/3 | 66.67 % |
1/4 | 25 % |
2/4 | 50 % |
3/4 | 75 % |
1/5 | 20 % |
2/5 | 40 % |
3/5 | 60 % |
4/5 | 80 % |
1/6 | 16.67 % |
2/6 | 33.33 % |
3/6 | 50 % |
4/6 | 66.67 % |
5/6 | 83.33 % |
1/7 | 14.285714 % |
2/7 | 28.571429 % |
3/7 | 42.857143 % |
4/7 | 57.142858 % |
5/7 | 71.428571 % |
6/7 | 85.714286 % |
1/8 | 12.5 % |
2/8 | 25 % |
3/8 | 37.5 % |
4/8 | 50 % |
5/8 | 62.5 % |
6/8 | 75 % |
7/8 | 87.5 % |
1/9 | 11.111111 % |
2/9 | 22.222222 % |
3/9 | 33.333333 % |
4/9 | 44.444444 % |
5/9 | 55.555556 % |
6/9 | 66.666667 % |
7/9 | 77.777778 % |
8/9 | 88.888889 % |
1/10 | 10 % |
2/10 | 20 % |
3/10 | 30 % |
4/10 | 40 % |
5/10 | 50 % |
6/10 | 60 % |
7/10 | 70 % |
8/10 | 80 % |
9/10 | 90 % |